Sep 28, 2008

Me Time

I consider myself an outgoing friendly person.

I'm notorious for my "happy go lucky" personality.

A kid in my high school drama class, for his final, created a song about the class. He included a comment about everyone. And what did he say about me???

Christina smiles... a lot.


A friend of mine commented one time, that if I were to get cut, I'd bleed sunshine.

So you get my drift?

And really, it's not like I'm HAPPY all the time. Or drugged. Or fake. I have my days, my lapse in personality where it's just NOT my day. I do.

Its those times, when I'm low, where I'm truly grateful for my "me time". Of course I have to schedule my "me time", like a prescription, to make sure I get the required fix or things go downhill. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 6AM to 7.30, whether it's needed or not. Saturday when I wake and Sunday before dinner.

My "me time" is the gym.. or the running track... Depending on the day.

I love it. I look forward to it. It's the perfect boyfriend.

I don't have to get dressed up. I don't have to match or wear make-up. Heck, I don't even have to make sure my teeth are brushed... (Ahem, for the early morning "me times", other than that I'm hygiene conscious) I don't have to worry if I'm interesting, witty, know the latest current events or if the other person is having a good time.

I just roll out of bed, throw a random arrangement of clothes on, plug myself into the iPod, leash the dogs and go.

I love my boyfriend.


  1. So@24 said...
    I bleed soy sauce.
    Anonymous said...
    It's wonderful, receiving positive comments like that. Positive people draws people I say!

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