Sep 15, 2008


So, I've decided to run a 5k marathon... I hate running and it was a widely accepted belief that the only way someone could get me to run is if I was being chased by a murderer, rapist, psycho, etc.

Anyway, I've decided that just for the sake of seeing how far I can push myself and how much sheer determination I have that I'm going to start training. My new workout regime goes as follows... Mondays and Fridays I have off, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I run, first few weeks I'll be running for three to four minutes and walking one and repeating this for a mile and a half. Wednesdays and Sundays cardio in the gym...

My marathon is in February so I have plenty of time to get into shape right? Haha... I guess we'll see!

1 Comment:

  1. Katie said...
    awesome for you. i also detest running... id like to run someday, but only into a wonderful fluffy bed of ice.

    good luck with it all!

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