Nov 24, 2008
This past weekend my mom and I undertook the task of reconstructing our entertainment center...
My "brilliant" idea.
(The weekend before that we had tiled the entryway and underneath the entertainment unit, which now looks beautiful. See below...)
Ahem, so back to my "brilliant" idea...
One evening, or maybe it was a Sunday... Anywho, we were watching HGTV (which always gets me to believe that I can redecorate my entire house for only $500, pfft) and it dawned on my how ugly our entertainment center is. It's a really tall entertainment center where you set the TV inside...
I figured, if we take off the top and cut it down and reattach the top we can set the TV on top! Brilliant idea no?
Want to know how the story ends? Scroll down.
Who says construction's a mans job? Haha... Actually I would... I will never take on something like this again... I hate circular saws.
- Anonymous said...
November 24, 2008 at 10:28 PMWow, that looks really good!- Christina said...
November 25, 2008 at 11:56 AMThanks!!! It wasn't easy!