Jan 24, 2009
In theory, they're great. Everyone wants one, everyone is usually too busy to get one.
The days we're not working are filled with chores and errands. Clean the bathroom, do the laundry, go to the grocery store, clean the kitchen. All important things. Things that, if neglected, would cause chaos. When errands are done, things are clean and all is chaos free, we make plans with friends perpetuating our busy days and pushing our lazy days further off.
Until, finally, the day comes. All the planets are in line, you've seen it coming, the eye of the storm. The moment where you can take a breather from your hectic schedule to just relax and do nothing.
Today is that day for me.
My lazy day.
And it's now, oh, 11.30ish and I'm bored. I have no idea what to do with myself on a lazy day.
I've been looking forward to this day for the whole week! Knowing that if I was lucky, if I planned it right, I'd have to not have to do ANYTHING today... Now I'm bored. What do I do?
Maybe I'll go sweep the kitchen.
1 Comment:
- Anonymous said...
January 24, 2009 at 7:47 PMyou need to take a bath, paint your toe nails, play with your make up and maybe color a little bit! its your day off!!! Have fun (leave the kitchen floor for another day!) Love yah friend!