Dec 18, 2008

All I want for Christmas...

is snow.

Hmm... And maybe a pair of Uggs to keep my toes warm when I'm out playing in the snow.

I want them so badly... but definitely not as much as world peace.

And maybe for my Twilight Series box set to come soon... I ordered it on Amazon the day after I read the first book... And it wont come until after Christmas... I know, I know... It's taboo to buy yourself stuff right before Christmas but really... No one knew I'd want it, and it was on sale... A really good sale. The kind of sale that is really a sign from God telling you to get it.

Ok, maybe I'm getting a little ahead of myself but it was half off. What more could I expect?

So now I'm waiting (not so) patiently for it to come... I know it wont be here til after the 25th but I keep looking on my front porch just in case... Maybe the delivery fairy felt pitty for me and decided to bring it early. Or the Amazon people wanted to trick me into thinking it wont come until way later (when I'd ordered it on TWO DAY shipping) just to have it come early as a little thank you to me for my business...

It happens...

Anywho, a girl can dream, right?

But seriously, all this crap is temporary. In a few years the books will have been given away for someone else to enjoy and the Uggs will have a hole in them or otherwise become so obsolete that I throw them away... So I guess what I'm saying is that what I really want for Christmas are good memories.


  1. So@24 said...
    I just want to be a vampire for Christmas.

    Apparently that's all it takes to get the female attention these days
    Anonymous said...
    i dont think theres anything wrong when it comes to buying yourself something around Christmas. i do it.. lol.

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