Dec 8, 2008


Ok... I have a confession to make... I read the first book in a day...

Saturday night I got home late and despite my exhaustion forced myself to read the first chapter... I wanted to read more but my eyes kept closing on me.

(You know when you're hooked when you continue to read with only one eye open)

The following morning in the wee hours my sweet little dog woke me up to be taken outside to use the bathroom... At 3.40 in the morning...

Thanks Chestnut...

Again, despite the fact that I could easily fall back asleep I picked up the book and started reading... Bad idea...

I didn't go back to sleep. Instead I stayed awake and read until I had to get up and get ready for church. I read almost 300 pages before church. Surprisingly I got ready pretty quickly and left.

I didn't get back home until the evening, but the moment I got there I immediately picked the book back up and continued to read... I read on the couch, at the gym, and in the kitchen while I was making dinner... I would have read while showering but my friend would've killed me for getting her book wet.

Suffice it to say, I finished the book at 11pm.

After having less than 5 hours of sleep the night before, I had no trouble drifting off to sleep...

Now if only had Edward been there to HUM me to sleep...


  1. Anonymous said...
    I read the first two books in one day. I was still up at five am. Took a power nap and got up again at 7 for work. :)
    So@24 said...
    Why lord whyyyyyyyy

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