Dec 18, 2008

The Christmas Story

I feel guilty about my last blog... It made me sound like a Negative Nancy, and I'm not. At all.

So to rectify the situation I'm going to tell you something happy.

For the past month and a half I've been working every Sunday after church with about 30 kids in preparation for a Christmas play. Which happened tonight. I didn't think it was going to go as smoothly as it did. I was pleasantly surprised.

I think the parents were too. We had so much to do and in such a little time that we were doing it by the skin of our teeth. I think what helped really was the practice play we did the night before for a bunch of CCD kids. It was... entertaining. We didn't have Mike, our music guy there... So the kids had to sing a Capella. And well, sing we'd only practiced the songs 3 times, an hour each, it was a little difficult. But we laughed through it and made it to the end without complete fools of ourselves.

Tonight, however, we had all the bells and whistles we didn't have last night. We had the music, a spot light, and a crowd of adults.

It was big.

And we pulled it off so well. Everyone clapped after each song was sung, they laughed when one of the little kids didn't know what they were doing on stage, and there was a standing ovation after wards...

All in all, the hard work and stress was worth giving these parents this gift.


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