Dec 8, 2008
I can't understand why people like to ruin things for others... It baffles me...
For example. Those people who (when at a fast food place) ask for a cup for water and then fill it with soda... Pretty soon all the fast food places will be charging for a cup for water to counter balance the cost of the people who cheat and take soda.
They ruin it for us.
(Thanks a lot)
The point I'm trying to make is that people have now ruined the book Stephenie Meyer was writing as companion to Twilight, same story but written from Edwards point of view, called Midnight Sun. Apparently before it was finished, it was illegally leaked onto the internet for mass distribution essentially ruining the story... AND now it's on hold...
A HUGE part of me is dying to know what's inside Edwards head, not only does Midnight Sun give an insight into his reasons for his actions and his emotions, it also gives us an answer to what he does when not with Bella... Very intriguing...
Just look at that face... Who wouldn't want to know his thoughts???
(Fortunately to make me feel less guilty... Stephenie posted it on her website after it was out... I feel saddened by this betrayal of her trust and hope she can overcome it some day to finish this book... I know it'll be good)
You can find a PDF copy here.
If you're curious as to what Stephenie had to say about it you can click here to read about it.
Now, while I don't condone what this person did, I can't keep my curiosity at bay...
After all, I'm only human.
1 Comment:
- Tia said...
December 8, 2008 at 10:19 PMugh i know! such a bummer. i'm sad.